
If you're here because you found a post-it...

hi! thanks for taking the time to look at my work. i've been leaving post-its everywhere I go (which is mostly in Greensboro, but a little bit in Winston Salem too) I'm interested to know if it's working so if you are here because you found a post-it somewhere, please leave a comment and let me know where (and who/what/when/why/how if you want...!) and if you want to be really cool - send me a pic of you holding your post-it!

I'm also still working on these photos so if you live in the greensboro area and are interested in participating please e-mail me (jmhardi2@uncg.edu) i'd love for you to be involved (everyone - not just the people who found post-its.)

oh and please don't put your post-it in the trash, recycle it, or, better yet, put it somewhere so someone else can find it!


Erin, 21


I'm Branching Out!

So, as a senior in my last semester it's ideal for me to do an independent study (a course where i basically just do a huge project) After a long time not knowing what the hell  i wanted to do, i decided, since i'm having so much fun with "ambiguities" and i'm so inspired by the people who've been involved, i would create a dance piece using the concepts and aesthetics of the "ambiguities" photos.
I've also been inspired by a book of surrealist games that my choreography teacher let me borrow and have used "ambiguities" in things created using those games.
I think it would be interesting to include these things in the blog, instead of just using them as stepping stones to other creative endeavors.  
So, in the coming months, look for "ambiguities" related videos, rehearsal documents, poetry etc. in addition to the usual portraits (which i'm still taking if you're interested in participating).
i'm really really excited about everything that's going on right now in regards to this project, and am constantly inspired. wish me luck!


Hannah, 14

Helena, 13